Gut Health & Stool Testing
Stool Testing
With the understanding that inferior digestive function and imbalanced gut flora play a critical role in the underlying cause of numerous
health conditions, stool testing provides valuable information for patients and practitioners with regards to disease states [4].
Stool testing comprises a range of functional tests that provide an overview of the components of digestion, absorption intestinal function
and microbial flora, as well as identifying pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and yeasts [3].
Symptoms of poor digestive function or gut dysbiosis vary dramatically, however in general a Complete Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) is
suitable for patients presenting with symptoms such as:
- Bloating, flatulence, indigestion, abdominal pain
- Distention, constipation, diarrhoea
- Fatigue, lethargy, difficulties concentrating, poor memory, recurrent headaches
- Skin disorders such as acne, eczema, psoriasis
- Low immune function or allergy flare ups
- Anxiety, mood swings, low mood due to impaired hormonal clearance
- Muscle aching or weakness [4].
Advantages of Stool Testing
There is an extensive range of gastrointestinal test profiles to choose from, therefore giving the practitioner flexibility in deciding
the most appropriate test for their client [1].
- Allows for earlier, individualised and effective treatment plan treatment [1][2].
Provides important information for practitioners to analyse and record in the assessment of further invasive testing requirements [1].
- Ability to asses all CDSA (Complete Digestive Stool Analysis) markers of digestion or mal-digestion [1][4].
- Able to asses digestive, absorption, metabolic, inflammation and tumour ulcer markers [1].
- Non-invasive [3]
- Performed in the privacy of your own home.
- Test kit provides all instructions and easy to use collection equipment [3].
- Tests are accompanied by an interpretive guide [1][3].
Most laboratory’s offer experienced technical assistance to advise on appropriate test selection and interpretation of tests [1][3].
Disadvantages of Stool Testing
- Test results take from 10 to 15 business days, from the date the patient’s specimens are received are the laboratory [1][3].
- Some people may not feel comfortable with the collection and/storage of their own, or family members, stools.
Tests may be quite costly, and therefore clients may not be able to afford the most appropriate test as recommended by their
- Different laboratory’s may find differing results, depending on their testing methods applied to the sample [2].
Stool testing only provides a snapshot of what is going on in the gut, at a particular time. Diet, probiotics, stress and other
lifestyle influences have the ability to alter gut flora quite quickly [2].

1. Nutripath – Integrative Pathology Services. CDSA Level 4+ Comprehensive
Digestive Stool Analysis – Stool.
2. The Nutrition Academy. Applied Functional Nutrition Course. Blood,
Saliva, Urine, Sensitivity and Stool Testing (Module
3. Australian Clinical Labs. Complete Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA).
4. Darling Health. Complete Digestive Stool Analysis (2020).,or%20any%20abnormal%20gut%20mycology.